Monday, March 26, 2012

'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman...

Today we had the most fun that we've had in a while.  I did our taxes and Randy filed our important papers.  Yep, we're a regular rip roarin' good time.  It's stuff you have to do when you're an adult, and since we pretend to be adults, it had to be done.  I even helped my brother do his taxes himself for the first time.  Apparently my dad handed him his computer with Turbo Tax loaded on it and walked away.

But that doesn't mean we didn't have an awesome weekend.

Our oven stopped working last week when I was making biscuits from scratch.  I tried to broil them, didn't work.  Bis-bricks, anyone?  The steak I broiled turned out slightly better, or it would have if it had actually been steak and not some type of brisket or other cut of beef.  It was a little dry, and definitely not steak, but it was fine edible.

So as if it's not bad enough that Sugar Whim is on temporary hiatus until we get the test kitchen functioning again, we are trying to eat at home more.  I think we just need to replace the ignitor, which arrived yesterday, so stay tuned and hopefully we won't blow up the house.

I figured out how to broil pizza from here with my pampered chef stone pan that doesn't usually make it out of the box.  But since I don't have a cast iron skillet, it worked great.  I turned it upside-down like they said to do with the cast iron skillet and it was fine.  The pizza was nice and crunchy and bubbly and really yummy.  Not bad for a 10 minute vegetarian dinner on a Friday during lent.  I just used store bought pizza dough, smeared it with garlic, sprinkled on canned organic tomatoes with garlic and basil, and a sprinkle of mozzarella.  I forgot the drizzle of olive oil, but it turned out great.  If we had zucchini it would have been even better.  Randy went to the gym, I did my own thing, and we met up afterwards to go see 21 Jump Street.

We went to the 10:10 showing, but we got there and they had cancelled the 10:10 to add another screen to the 200 other screens playing the Hunger Games.  I'm not entirely sure what the movie is about.  I've heard it's good, I've heard it's ok, I've also heard hundreds of little girls chatting about it at the movie theater while we waited a half hour to be let into the theater for the 10:50 showing of 21 Jump Street.  Flash back to 3 weeks ago when we went to go see the Lorax.  We saw the Artist instead (We liked it, check it out if you haven't, but you can probably wait for the dvd).  Then we went to go see 21 Jump Street last weekend and saw The Lorax (Totally cute, loved it!  Randy thought it was only ok.  I would say to see it in the theater, Randy would say to wait for the dvd.)  Even if we wanted to see the Hunger Games instead of waiting for the later show, we couldn't get a ticket.  The whole night was sold out.  It was the little girl equivalent of the opening night of Star Wars.  Some wore costumes and had their faces painted.  No joke.  Has anyone seen this movie?  Is it worth the hype?  I hear it's like a contemporary version of the Running Man, but made for the pre-teen set.

So 21 Jump Street: 2 very enthusiastic Jodi-and-Randy two thumbs up.  If you're not easily offended, or Randy's mom, you will love this movie.  Hilarious.  And Channing Tatum?  I'm editing my laminated list.

And then we watched our favorite, the Muppets, tonight on dvd.  So all that fun makes the fact that we owe taxes sting just a little bit less.  Happy tax season, everyone!

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