Monday, March 12, 2012

Hangin' Around

Jodi:  Randy and I have been in this house for six years, but we haven't hung up too much stuff.  We've been talking about doing a wall of stuff that makes us happy, so we have amassed quite a bit of stuff.

Randy: A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away from Jodi, I bought an autographed picture of Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam.  If you don't like Pearl Jam, you suck.  You know when people break up and the chick says, "its not you, its me."  If you don't like Pearl Jam, rest assured, its you.  By the way, it is very hard to find an autographed picture of Eddie Vedder.  Mine is almost 15 years old.

Let's fast forward to last year.  I dragged Jodi to see the Bangles in concert.  Suzanna Hoffs is totally hot.  If you've never seen her in the AllNighter, you need to.  Now, I know that you want to make fun of us for wanting to see the Bangles.  But you're also curious to know if she's still hot.  I ain't telling.  Find out for yourselves, jerkies!  But, at the end of the show, you could get autographed pictures of the band.  So we did. 

Jodi:  She totally is still hot.  Ladies, remember when you first saw that Walk Like an Egyptian video and you totally wanted to be her glancing back and left and right with those smokey eyes?  Yeah, I still want to be her.

Randy:  Next, for Christmas, I bought Jodi an autographed picture of Gavin Rossdale from Bush.  I get it.  He's pretty hot.  To be honest, I thought Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were the hottest celebrity couple.  After seeing Bush in concert, I now believe its Gavin and Gwen.  Yes, I bought the picture for Jodi.  Why does everyone question that?

In February, I got my annual bonus at work. I wanted to buy something for Jodi, and I had this wall in mind.  I got Jodi an autographed picture of Lady Gaga for her. Raise your paws, little monsters!  While I was at it, I bought an autographed picture of Bruce Springsteen.  Bruce is my all-time favorite.  I've seen him in concert 28 times going on 29 this month.

I got matching frames.  TADA!  Our wall of super awesome rock stars.  Be jealous. BE JEALOUS!

Jodi:  Randy did a great job hanging up our wall of rock stars (with room to add, I mean we can't forget about Scott Weiland) while I hung up a couple other things.

We got this cross in San Antonio last year when we were there for an award that Randy received.  It's got a beautiful painting of the Virgin Mary in the middle.  Poor Mary has been hanging out on the desk in our room for over a year.  Now she has a great view from above this doorway.  I love Mexican/Spanish icons.  It's a soft spot I have, like the San Jose candle we got for Joe Paterno.

...And this sacred heart I got outside of Sedona a couple of years ago.

Looks good in the red bathroom, huh?  Yes that is a jar of test crystals for the cats urine tests for the vet on the second shelf.  It's red.  It matches.  Until we use it, it has to live somewhere!

Now everytime I walk down the stairs to go to work in the morning, I think, "Hi Bruce, Hi Eddie, Hi Gavin, Hi Gaga, Hello Ladies..."  It makes us happy.  It's not the wall of things that make us happy, that will go in the first floor stairway, but now we will have two!

It's too much white, though.  We'll need to find a great color to paint the wall.  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking blue, but we'll probably wait until after we paint the dining room to decide.


  1. Let me reconstruct my comment-- the system threw it away...

    Whatever color scheme you choose will be great. You can also add more pictures (different sizes) and other little stuff between and around the pictures. Remember my picture wall? (we took it down when we painted and I miss it!) Don't rush your wall, just let it grow over the years so it will make YOU happy! ENJOY. Edie

  2. Thanks, Edie! I think we will probably do that and add to it over time. I do remember your picture wall. Hopefully we will have one just as great!
