Friday, June 8, 2012

Heather's Baby Shower

Now for the 3rd stop on the May Three Weddings, a Baby Shower and a Birthday Tour!  Next stop, Pittsburgh!  Or more specifically, Venetia, PA, to my Nan's house for my cousin, Heather's baby shower.  She is having a boy, due in July, and yes, we're all super excited to meet him :)

My aunts, Kelly and Donna, along with my Nan threw the shower, and it was a jungle animal theme.  I made the cake, just like I made this cake for her bridal shower:

And this cake for her Halloween wedding:

I rolled out fondant and drew little lions, monkeys, birds, a hippo, etc. with food pens and gel food coloring and water with a food paint brush.  Then I cut them out and let them dry, and prayed they wouldn't crack.  Which some did, but oh well.

The cake was vanilla with vanilla italian buttercream, except the trees, which had a little Hershey's syrup for color.  So much tastier than brown food coloring, don't you think?

Congratulations on your new little man, Heather and Dan!

The glowing Mom-to-be

And the dad-to-be, acting weird with Randy.  Why is it that guys always make weird faces when you take pictures of them at baby showers?  Probably because they're jealous of all the fun the girls are having.  That's got to be it.

Kelly, Donna and Nan did an amazing job on the food.  The circular hoagies were a nice touch.

Heather got lots of nice gifts, including these cute drawings from her friend's 4-year-old daughter, Wren.

 See her cute bump?  This girl is all baby.

Our cousin Becky made this beautiful quilt for the baby.  She is so talented.

You would think I would have gotten a better close-up of it considering I folded it and sat there cuddling it for most of the rest of the shower.

Hot dog baby suit.  In our family, not just for Halloween.  Every day wear.

Heather got lots of help from Wren opening presents.  Wren even explained to us what some things were.  So adorable.

Then it was finally time for cake.

Wren was my helper and handed out cake, making sure ladies were served first.

Cutest cake delivery girl ever, right?  And yes that is my butt on the right as I cut the cake.  Probably could have cropped this better, but we're almost a month behind, we'll keep it real.

Congratulations, Heather and Dan!  Bring on the newest Thomas baby!


  1. Where's the SUPER-LIKE button?! A great round-up of Heather's cakes and the baby shower. Looking good. Lots of love - Treva

    1. Treva, we missed you on Sunday!!! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Jodi, I know I already wrote this but, I want to thank you, again, for ALL your hard work with the beautiful cakes, your trips to Venetia, your generousity and ALL the time you and Randy put into making Heather and Dan's special events soooooooooooooooooooooooo wonderful. Love,Me

    1. Donna, you and Kelly did such a beautiful job with the shower! Thank you!!!
