Sunday, July 1, 2012

Whole Lotta Wedding

Jodi:  Now the 5th stop on our May 3 weddings, a baby shower and a birthday tour.  Yes, we're still blogging about May.  We'll finish June by October, I promise.

Randy:  Ahhh... back and better than before. Finally, I'm back to blogging. Yes, it has been a while, but let's be honest... actually I have nothing... I'm pretty much lazy when it comes to blogging.

Jodi asked me to write for this post... and the topic is near and dear to my heart... its Nicole and John's wedding. So, first, let's discuss who Nicole and John are. They are absolute lunatics. That sums it up. I have some married friends that truly are the only people on the planet for each other... Craig and Diana (wow, that list dissolved quickly). But Nicole and John are perfect for each other. And being a lunatic myself, they are super fun to hang out with.

Nicole and I work together. We've theorized what it would be like when we're managers... but we realized that you probably don't use profanities at each other if you're a manager. I guess you have to show some kind of decorum. 

We've been writing a musical about where we work. Actually, we haven't written anything... we just come up with ideas for our musical and laugh at other people's expense. She's awesome. I can't actually work with her. It would be impossible for either of us to actually say something responsible in the other's presence.

And then there's John. After work, John is the lead singer in a cover band. Best moment ever... the 4 of us had tickets to see Stone Temple Pilots, and during one of John's shows leading up to the concert, he jumped off the stage, ordered 3 shots of tequila, handed the microphone to Jodi so she'd sing, and he, Nicole and I did shots of tequila. After singing a verse, he took the mic back from Jodi and went back to the stage. 

I've been doing my best to convince him that I'm a cartoon character. And like all cartoon characters, they wear the same clothes. So every time I see him, I wear the same jeans, the same Megadeth t-shirt, and the same boots. It could be at his kid's christening... I'd wear that t-shirt.
Oh, ask him about his ears. They're big and he grew into them.

So, in May, we went to their wedding... at this point, if you're counting... 3rd wedding and a baby shower in May. What month are we in now? I think I lost count.

Anyway... it was an awesome day in May... and the wedding was down the Jersey shore. No, Snookie and the Situation were not there.

Check out the pictures.

This is my favorite part of the wedding... Not 3 seconds after they are pronounced man and wife, they are walking back down the aisle. I was sitting in the first seat on the bride's side (no offense, John). Nicole sees me and fist bumps me.  The photographer got a great picture of it. That was truly a first for all the weddings I've been.


The cake was vanilla with a chocolate mousse filling and italian buttercream and white chocolate shells

Hydrangeas in a tall vase.  What a great idea!

Can you tell I took all of the pictures for this post?

Oh... and get this... so you see me in the suit jacket, right? John gives me a bunch of sh!t about not wearing the Megadeth t-shirt under my dress shirt. True story, I actually put on the shirt underneath my dress shirt. But if I took off my jacket, you'd see the Megadeth text. I actually thought that I'd do something nice by not wearing it. John was actually trying to strip me out of my shirt out of outrage for not wearing the t-shirt. That's also a first. But it needs an asterisk because a bride did ask me to go home with her. Now, I wasn't dating Jodi at the time, but I was holding her hand when the bride propositioned me. That was pretty sweet.

So this wedding was the 2nd wedding of the month that a coworker got married. Its great having my coworkers (other guests) tell my wife that I'm insane at work... or that she's a saint for putting up with me... or she's too hot to be with me. Yes, they are all true statements... but please... wait till I'm in the bathroom or at the bar or getting the car before you question my wife's taste.

I apologize... nothing ridiculous happened. Jodi and I had a wonderful time... and we had a pleasant drive home.

Nicole's dogs, Marshall and Lucky,  couldn't come to the wedding, but the White Boys made it on the table numbers. 
Wait till we get to her mom's 60th birthday... it involves family... how can hilarity not occur?

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