Saturday, January 25, 2014

Totes M'Oats

Last week in PA we got some snow.  It was cold, it was hard to drive in, it was uncomfortable.  All of you out there who live in places like Chicago, Minnesota or Finland probably think we're a bunch of Pennsylvania pansies.  And we are, I will not argue that point.  I just really really hate being cold.

I went in to work last Tuesday before the snow started, and left at 1pm.  It took me 25 minutes to get off the campus where I work, and an hour total to drive the 13 miles home.  I'm not saying you should feel bad for me, simply giving the backstory.  Just call me Dr. Doofenschmirtz.

When it snows, no one wants to go to the grocery store.  It's one of the comforting things about winter in PA.  Once you're home, it's perfectly socially acceptable to not leave your house again until you have to do something important...  like shovel your driveway or go back to work.

Randy and I weren't low on groceries, or food, but we had eaten dinner and were binge watching season 8 of Supernatural.  I got in the mood for ice cream, but we didn't have any, and I was NOT going back out into that snow to get some.  I wanted something sweet with chunks of chocolate.  Then I came up with a plan using ingredients we did have.

Looks a little weird, huh?  It was SO GOOD!

I was thinking I could go for some peach cobbler, but I didn't feel like going to that much trouble, and what good is peach cobbler without ice cream?  So then I was thinking of this dessert we used to make at Girl Scout camp when I was little.  You take canned peaches, drain the juice, put some slices in some foil with part of a Hershey's bar and some marshmallows and throw it on a grill.  It all melts together into this gooey yummy mess.  I wanted something slightly more substantial, so I combined the peach cobbler and the chocolate/peach/marshmallow thing into one really fast dessert:

Totes M'Oats  (Instead of Totes McGoats.  Randy came up with it and it cracked me up)

1/2 cup quick oats
1/4 cup brown sugar (you can use white sugar too, the brown sugar makes it have a slight molasses taste)
1  ~15 oz can of peaches (don't drain!)
chocolate chips
mini marshmallows

I put the quick oats in the bottom of a casserole dish and poured in the can of peaches, juice and all.  I sprinkled the brown sugar over the peaches, then I threw in a handful of chocolate chips and covered the whole thing with marshmallows.  I baked it at 350 for 20 minutes, and didn't even preheat the oven.  It baked in less than an episode of Supernatural, even without commercials!

It was so good, but rich!  It made enough for 4 servings, so we each had two.  Just kidding!  We had some left over.  It was screaming for ice cream, so the next day I stopped off at the store on my way home.  Even though I just wanted to hibernate, I picked up some vanilla ice cream to scoop onto the reheated leftovers.  Totally worth the effort.


PS:  My Mom put a post on Facebook this week asking what you WILL leave your house for when it's just too darn cold.  She got a lot of funny (and unusual) responses.  Her one thing was iced tea, and obviously mine was ice cream.  What's yours?

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