Saturday, March 10, 2012


Jodi:  So I'm a little under the weather...  again.  Yes I know, two colds in two weeks?  Insanity.  Not sure if it is cold or allergies, but I think it might be an allergic reaction to the pollen in my raw honey that I have been putting in my tea all week.  Did you know there was pollen in raw honey?  It sure was a **duh** moment for me.  I have your normal super-market-plastic-bear variety of honey at home, which is what I put in my ginger tea all last week when I was sick.  At work I have this fabulous, creamy, light and wonderful raw star thistle honey from Colorado that I got at Wegmans in the fall.


In the fall when I had that awful cold that lasted two weeks...  See where I'm going with this?  I keep the raw honey at work because it's nice to have a little luxury in your tea at the office.  It didn't occur to me that the same reason people eat raw honey to ward off allergies could actually trigger my awful year-round hayfever.  So is it the honey?  Maybe or maybe not, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  I'm also sticking to my bed today since I feel kind of lousy, but it has been nice to nap and snuggle with the kitties again.  I can't really do much because I lost my voice.

Randy got up early this morning and went to the gym for his long training run, and I slept in because I had to watch one more episode of Freaks and Geeks on DVD last night.  BTW, did anybody watch it when it was on TV?  Because I didn't, but I like Judd Apatow movies and we thought we would give it its day in court.  Not Bridesmaids good, but pretty good.  I'm on the 2nd dvd of the first (and only) season.  Randy fell asleep after disc one ended.  Anyway, I'm getting off track.  I was still blissfully (not really) sleeping at 9am this morning when I heard a loud crash, a scramble, some crying and hissing.  So I did what any good cat mom would do (ha ha) and I ran downstairs screaming so they would scatter and Camille would stop hissing.  But when I got to the bottom of the stairs, Apollo was sitting on the dining room table staring at me, Rocky was under the table watching me warily, Keller was limping quickly out of the kitchen (Keller has a natural limp, he's ok.  He's just special), and Camille literally had the tinkles scared out of her in the corner of the kitchen.  They were all looking at me waving my hands like a crazy person with nothing. coming. out. of. my. mouth.

Anyone without allergies want a half jar of really awesome honey?

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