Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentine's Day

So, I have a little cold.  It stinks.  But I get to sit in bed and sip tea and cuddle with the kitties, so it's not all bad.  And I have all day to write a really long post.  Ha ha, sorry you tuned in, huh?

I'm not one of those people who takes medicine at the first sign of a cold and pushes on.  I used to be, but I'm a baby and a hermit when I'm sick.  I like to stay at home and hibernate.  I hate the idea of spreading germs to anyone, including my co-workers, or worse, my family, friends, and Randy.  I stopped off at the vet yesterday to pick up Keller's special low-calorie cat food (we don't call him Chunky for nothing) and apologized for subjecting them to my germs.  It was the lesser of the two evils since the other errand was to go to the grocery store and I'm pretty sure the vet hospital is used to disinfecting everything.

So poor Randy braved the store and brought me home everything my sick body needed to feel better.  I totally recommend the following:
Puffs: Plus Lotion
Puffs Plus

Organic Ginger Aid® [tdm-001023.jpg]
Ginger Tea

Free Range Chicken with Wild Rice Soup - Gluten-free
Wolfgang Puck's organic free range chicken and rice soup

I also asked for fresh ginger root, but Randy said they were sold out!  Apparently there are enough people with colds in the greater Philadelphia area that Wegmans was fresh out of ginger.  The secret must be out!  My co-worker had told me the last time I was sick to grate one inch of ginger, mix in 1 tsp of honey and a sprinkle of fresh black pepper.  I know, sounds gross, but when you're sick, you can't taste anything anyway, right?  I usually swallow it down in small spoonfuls like a pill so I don't have to taste it, and it clears your nose and helps with coughs.  But none for me today.  I've been sprinkling a little fresh black pepper into my tea with the honey.  Randy also brought me ginger candy since he couldn't get fresh ginger, and I did have a little of that this morning.  I do feel better, thanks to my thoughtful guy.

Anyone who has hung out with me recently...  I hope your store has ginger in stock!

So, this post is supposed to be about Valentine's Day and how sweet my husband is, not how disgusting I feel.  We celebrated V Day a little late because it fell in the middle of the week.  Like most people, we have stuff going on during the week.  Busy lives!  So we postponed it to the following weekend.

The wrapping on Randy's gift is a joke.  When I first met Randy, his entire apartment was purple and leopard print.  Really.  Not bad on their own, but this was purple and leopard print overload, not in a good way.  We've managed to keep leopard print in our home in smaller doses.

This is Randy's gift to me.

As you can see, it says, "To Randy, From Bryan and Ashley."  He used leftover wrapping paper from Christmas.  It's really sweet because he knows I like to be eco-friendly, so this wrapping job is not as thrown-together as it seems.  Of course I was not eco-friendly at all and bought new wrapping paper because it made me laugh.

Randy's card was awesome.

My card, not so much, so I'm not going to post it.  Ahh, the benefits of blogging while sick when no one is there to edit you :)

I got:

Randy got:

Randy has been really motivated with going back to the gym and being healthier, so I got him new sneaks.  Randy got me Lady and the Tramp because we're building a blue ray collection of Disney classics.  I know, we're dorks.  But we want to be prepared when we're an aunt and uncle or hopefully parents some day.

Randy also surprised me with signed pictures of Bruce and Lady Gaga...

And I surprised him with chocolate pudding cake with caramel sauce.  It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself!  I mean it tasted a lot better than it looks.  I followed the instructions from here.  I watched the instructional video and wrote down the steps, which are different from the recipe listed.

So what did you guys do for Valentine's Day?  Anyone else have this stupid cold?  Have any good home remedies you can recommend?

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