Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why nothing gets done - Reason #1

From Randy:

So Jodi wrote last night's post. Let me be perfectly honest, nothing productive happened yesterday. Well, maybe something happened, but I have no idea. I stayed up to watch the stupid Philadelphia Eagles win. But then it was hard to sleep. So I went to bed at 2:30am Monday morning only to wake up 3 hours later. Unfortunately, I'm too stupid to call out of work.  So I went.

I got home from work... ate dinner... and was asleep by 7:30pm. And then it was Tuesday.
What productive stuff did we do? I paid some bills and our cats are fed. Oh, I cleaned the cat box. So what's happened to all these projects?

Let me be perfectly honest... rarely will I go out of my way to say something without sarcasm or humor. Tonight will be one of those moments.

Jodi volunteered to buy Christmas presents for less fortunate children at the holidays. Since it was a boy, I went to give a male perspective (oh, on a completely different note, a coworker called her brownies "male brownies" because they have nuts. That's just funny. I recommend using it with your friends... the brownies... not your male friends having nuts.) While walking around Target (where we did our initial search for stuff), I had a moment to capture a thought. See, Jodi's a do-gooder. Yes, its freakin' annoying most of the time because she's a do-gooder. But in this messed up world, with a bipolar economy, wacky politicians, and more disgusting news everyday, it does feel very good to help out someone less fortunate. I totally recommend it. I know some of you might be feeling a pinch or more at the holidays, and your head is spinning with all the crap you need to buy already... but I recommend helping those that really can't help themselves.

So... we got home at 10:30pm... and I have to work tomorrow. So... I looked around the house... again. And despite very small baby steps (like newborn feet), our house is still a train wreck.
This damn fan will get installed... THIS I COMMAND!

Since going to sleep on Sunday... I've been awake at home for 2.5 hours. Good night. Oh, at this rate... our house will be clean by 2014. Pictures to come.

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