Sunday, November 20, 2011

Episode One: A New Hope

Jodi:  There's two of us, four cats, and one very very messy house.  Someday we'll explain the 4 cats, but I swear we're not crazy cat people.  (Yeah, uh-huh.)  We've been here five years, but with academic endeavors, working full time (Randy works for a defense contractor and I work in finance) and starting a hugely popular small cake business on the side, kitty snuggling and satisfying our Phineas and Ferb obsession, the house has been super neglected.  Oh and concerts, we go to a LOT of concerts.  We don't live in squalor, and with all the test baking I do, the kitchen is kept clean...  but we're tired of having to run around and clean for company, dread those "just dropped in" visits, and hope those Jehovah's Witnesses that stopped by our house a couple of years ago aren't scarred for life.  The point of this blog is to motivate us to clean, paint and decorate our house to make it comfortable, colorful, inspiring  ..."us".
So, here's how it started. It was a Saturday morning. Jodi spent the night at her parents' house while preparing for a baking competition. I woke up from an awesome night of sleeping diagonally in our king sized bed. The TV was still on. I stumbled out of bed and looked around. Do you remember the last time you looked around on a Sunday morning and you were hung over? You know, you're moving around real slowly and just observing the stillness. No, I wasn't hung over, but I was just looking around... like I woke up after a wild, crazy party. And what did I see? A freakin' mess. I was tripping over my own clothes. I was stumbling over dishes left on the floor.  It was like Raider's of the Lost Ark trying to avoid fresh cat vomit on the stairs.  And there I go... just walking around the house like I was hung over... staring at one huge mess. And that's when it occurred to me:
We just sleep here.
We work a lot. We wake up early, do the commuting thing to work, work way too much, come home way too late, scarf down food (sometimes cat food but its edible... shut up, like you've never eaten pet food), and go to bed. If we had time to clean, we'd either eat better or sleep more. I think its the sleep thing. We're just tired. And yes, that's a terrible excuse.
So, after this moment of realization... Jodi and I decided that we would clean our house. Heck, for no other reason, it'll give our cats cleaner places to hack-up hair balls or shed or vomit their meal. Now, despite being an engineer, I hate computers. But Jodi and I thought that we should make a blog out of it. She reads about people doing exciting things like do-it-yourself projects. We don't have time for someone-else-doing-it-for-us projects. We thought you might enjoy our unique perspectives about cleaning our house. And before you think that this is a stupid idea, (1) screw you, and (2) if we're creating a blog, do you think we're gonna be able to clean the house that quickly? Some days, we'll make progress and you'll think "man, these people make vacuuming sound like Vegas nightclub... and some days we'll probably just tell you about a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode we watched on DVD or why the Philadelphia Flyers are awesome/suck.
Theoretically, we'll have before and after pictures. Maybe it'll be as exciting as opening Al Capone's vault.
Hopefully, we won't accidentally burn our house down.

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