Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights...

Before we get into anything cleaning, we went to a post-Thanksgiving viewing of the Muppets tonight.  Usually we don't like to go to the movies over Thanksgiving because of the crowds, but we just couldn't resist going as soon as possible.  And boy, was it worth it.  Total hilarity for the entire movie.  If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.  I'm not going to say anything about it because I don't want to spill any beans before you see it (something I'm really good at).

What you can't see is the million pictures we tried to take posing like Miss Piggy, but we just couldn't get it right.

Kermit as Bruce?  Coolest thing ever!

OK, so back to business.  Today we made some progress on the cleaning front.  Randy started a deep clean of the kitchen this morning while I was at work.  Then he and his dad caught the Temple football game (and got really reasonable seats on the 50 yard line!) while waiting for the Flyers game to start.  Two sporting events in one day.  Totally deserved.

We did some more cleaning tonight.  I have a friend from high school that I went to Penn State with and lives in DC.  She always drops in when she's in town and it's awesome to have her.  It's been this way for over a decade, before Randy and I knew each other.   She would stop by my parents house, or my old apartment and stay.  Always spur of the moment.  The only negative to this spontaneity is that Randy and I have to clean before she comes, and you know we hate the last minute scramble.  You just can't get things clean enough!  So we have a deal.   She is always welcome, but the house might not look too hot and not to judge.  And she doesn't.  It works out well.  So I get a text from her today that she's in town and is it ok if she stops by?  Of course it is.  So we run home from the Muppets and walk in the door and immediately start cleaning.  Yes, we have the deal, but it's just good hospitality to have bathrooms people can use without you saying, "Wait!  Wait!  Let me just clean out the sink before you go in there!" It's the basic clean the bathrooms and set up the guest room, but we made some good progress!  Probably the most cleaning we've done all week!

Fortunately or unfortunately, she got tired while we were at the movie and decided to stay at her family's house tonight, but she will probably stop by tomorrow.  Which means living room scramble before breakfast...  but at least the guest room and guest bath are clean!

It's time to put on make up, it's time to dress up right...

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