Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks


Randy is like a hot french baguette straight from the bakery.  No like that, you sickos.  He looks and acts all tough on the outside, but he's easy to break open and is all soft and delightful on the inside.  Here he is with our little man, Keller.  He calls him Fluffy Pumpkin Kisses.  And he wears orange shirts all the time so they'll match.  Ok, I made that part up, he does wear a lot of orange, but I think it is more of a Flyers fan thing.  This is the same guy who times his blood donations so they are exactly 8 weeks apart, suggests donating christmas presents to charity, and always gives me the bowl with more ice cream in it. But that's not what this post is about, it's just my way of saying, "I know you are, but what am I??" Nothing but class and maturity here, folks.

Really I wanted to talk about being thankful for what we have because I'm pretty sure tomorrow's post will be about how dysfunctional my family is.  Just kidding!

I read an article today on how gratitude is good for your health.  It said if someone writes a thoughtful thank you letter to someone they have not thanked before, they feel happier for a certain period of time, but if they make it a daily or weekly practice to remember to give thanks, and mean it, they are much happier people.  Pretty cool, huh?  Gratitude begets happiness, and I am all about anything that makes me happy.  It makes sense.  When you make an effort to think of the things you are thankful for, you are reminded of how good you have it, are happy with what you have, and life is just that much sweeter.

Today I am thankful for my funny orange-wearing husband, our sweet monkeys who remind me not to take life so seriously, our families who love us, and our friends who love us like family even though they don't have to.  Thanks, guys.

Why Nothing Ever Gets Done, The Thanksgiving Edition

After work, I went to Jodi's parents. Dinner was good, but I thought that we'd leave early enough to actually clean something at home. You'd think that after 3 days of writing this... maybe we'd actually do something. Well, I freakin' told you that it wasn't going to be that simple! Why would we be writing a blog if it were that simple? Do you want to know how complicated it is!? I actually stayed at my in-laws house... and helped THEM CLEAN!
Oh, and the Flyers beat the Islanders. And what is really weird... the house wasn't messy. Their house was pretty clean.
Well, we're at the end of day 4, we've done absolutely nothing... but we are going to install that bathroom fan. How long can I possibly continue to philosophize without actually doing anything? My boss has gone 20+ years! OH! Ok, that was totally uncalled for. I'm just kidding.
Tomorrow, I promise to have a before and after picture of SOMETHING.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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