Monday, December 5, 2011

Think pink and red

Jodi:  Just a real quick post tonight because we need some good sleep, but we couldn't resist posting tonight.  Today we're an aunt and uncle again and we just couldn't be happier!!!  Our friend had a healthy baby girl, Lyla Lise.  We can't wait to meet this beautiful little girl.  Seriously, it's all I can do not to hop in the car and call in sick tomorrow.

As if that wasn't enough amazing news, we also learned another friend, who is due in the spring, is also having a little girl.  With our good friends out in California due with another little girl at the end of December, we're going to have 3 new nieces in the next few months!

Randy:  So apparently, there are people actually reading this other than coworkers and friends.  They are reading this blog because if they lied to us about reading it, we'd only quiz them and expose their lying, black hearts.  Jodi looked to see who is reading this and we have about 12 Russians reading this among folks from other countries. In this Christmas/ Chanukah season, I would like to take the time to say the following:

When Ivan Drago fought Rocky, the refs should have stopped the fight earlier.
Red Dawn was an awesome movie, but maybe the paratroopers were jumping out of a crashing airplane.
Gorki Park was an under-rated band.
Rambo III was totally fake.
The Beatles were on to something when they were back in the USSR

So, welcome.

We didn't clean.  I blame Jodi, 4 cats and a nightmare.

I do not blame me.  I am a victim.
Goodnight everyone!

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