Monday, December 5, 2011

Little Man...

Jodi:  Randy and I went to go see Alice Cooper at the House of Blues in Atlantic City Friday night.  Don't worry, this is not a review.  I'm not going to give a set list or tell about all the details of the show.  But hey, if you get the chance to see Alice Cooper, go for it!  He gets the Randy and Jodi 4 thumbs up.

Whenever we're on the boardwalk, we like to go out and watch the waves roll for a little bit and relax.

Of course it wasn't the ideal day for a walk on the beach, unlike this day a couple of weeks a go.  

And...  it was night.  Can you tell I'm a sucker for the one-handed self-portrait?  Luckily my monkey arms are long enough that we can fit both of us in the frame.

Randy: As you can tell, Jodi had a great time at the show. But let me correct one misconception.  Jodi was nervous about going.  She does not like heavy metal and she can be uncomfortable when she is out of her element.  Ok, Alice Cooper is not heavy metal (like Pantera, White Zombie or Megadeth). However, standing outside of the House of Blues, we were surrounded by lots of your stereotypical goth-for-the-weekend folk... except with Alice Cooper-styled eye shadow.

My favorite part of the night was a conversation between Jodi and the bartender. So Jodi wanted a bottle of water.  So she paid for the bottle and the woman handed it over.  Then, she realized that she gave Jodi the cap.

"I have to take the cap.  It's a weapon, but you don't look dangerous."  Awesome!  This is the second concert that Jodi looked out of place compared to the black t-shirt and jeans convention that were attending.

Jodi:  The opening act for Alice was a band called Livan, or a man named Livan and his band.  You know when you go to a concert and you're like, gosh, I hope the opening act doesn't suck (because most of them do) and you're pleasantly surprised when they're super fun?  Like when we saw the Killers and their opening act was a Japanese Beatles cover band called the Silverbeats.  This was one of those instances.  He (they?) had a ton of style, and the music was good.  I had trouble keeping still and Randy had to tell me to save some of my camera battery for Alice.  I need an opening act with stage presence, because if I don't know their songs, I need something to keep me interested.  Boy did they put on a show.  And they had a chick bass player, so that gives them extra points.

I particularly liked this skirt:

And his eye makeup:

I might have to steal some of these looks.  

Then Alice came out, just like I remembered him from the Muppets, but about 30 years older and with spider arms.

I'm sorry the picture is so blurry, but these are actual inflatable spider arms.  Fabulous, right?  You have to love a theatrical performance, which I knew he is known for.  What I really liked about Alice is that he doesn't take himself too seriously.  It's just all in good fun.  And when he came out with a snake, he was really gentle with it.  

He just seems like a nice guy that you'd want to sit and have a beer with.  Which is going to seem funny when I type you this next bit.  This is him dancing to his new song of which the lyrics go, "I'll bite your face off, little man...."  We call Keller "Little Man".  So now every time Randy sees Keller, he tells him he's going to bite his face off.  Keller just smiles his content little cat smile while Randy gives him scratches.  But now I'm off topic.  The back of his shirt literally says, "I'll bite your face off."

My camera battery died in the middle of "Feed My Frankenstein", but I was able to squeeze our its last micro-ounce of juice to snap one more picture at the big finale.  Randy's favorite part, naturally:

At the end of the band introductions, he said, "And playing the role of Alice Cooper tonight....  ME!"  Totally fun.

Randy:  It took us over 2 hours to get home (including a pit stop to get Jodi's car).  And then we hit the diner for a late night snack.  By the time we got home it was 3am... actually... I have no memory from the time we left the restaurant.  I'm writing this, so we survived.

What great shows have you seen lately?  Have you been thrilled by a snake charmer or a man in a fun skirt?  Anyone else go see a concert just because you saw them on the Muppets 30 years ago?

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