Sunday, December 11, 2011

2 People, 4 Cats and one long weekend

Randy:  HA HA!  Finally, I get to write this.  Just realize, Jodi will read and edit this. Any profanities or controversial topics will be removed.  Just kidding... or am I?

This is exciting.  It's Sunday night and we had an awesome weekend.  So I'm gonna share it with you... from the beginning.

I stayed at work on Wednesday until I was done work.  That meant 9pm.  But, I was done.  If you're gonna take a random long weekend, you gotta have a free mind.  I did some online Christmas shopping Wednesday night.  We had plans for going to NYC on Thursday.

Ok, we woke up at noon on Thursday.  We didn't go to NYC.  Honestly, I'm not disappointed.  We both really needed the sleep.  Some would say that we wasted half a day, but was the day half wasted or half lived?  No day can begin without a coffee from Dunkin Donuts.  But then we went places... we went to Home Depot to help with home improvement projects for this blasted blog... so rather than actually complete stuff, we have now started 8 new projects including changing a chandelier in the dining room and adding moulding to the ceiling, painting stripes (classy stripes not prison bars) in our bedroom, and other stuff that you'll probably read about.  Then we went to Jo Ann Fabric so Jodi can make great things for our friends' kids, and to Pet Smart to buy a couple of new litter boxes (for Jodi... shhh... I promised I wouldn't say that she tinkles in a litter box).  Then, we decided to go to the movies.  We had no idea what was playing.  Hell, I'd see the Muppets again.  It was that awesome!  But, we decided to check out Hugo instead. Despite my brother saying we should see it in 3D, we weren't waiting an hour for the next show.  Typically, I don't see movies with good acting, writing or directing... but Jodi wanted to go.

Jodi:  If you get a chance to see Hugo, do.  I want to personally thank Martin Scorsese for reminding me why how much joy I get out of writing, watching and making movies.  Once again, I'm not giving any details, but it gets the Randy and Jodi 4 thumbs up.

Randy:  We got home super late but it was time to make cupcakes.  Jodi had an order for Friday night.  I loved helping.  Typically, I don't give a damn, but I was tasked to make snowmen to go on top.  Being a mechanical engineer with an overactive imagination, this was a fun task.  We were baking together.  I believe Jodi will post pictures. The cupcakes did not need icing because Jodi's cake was super good.  (Jodi:  We made pineapple/coconut/walnut cupcakes with cream cheese icing.  Not to toot my own horn, but they were heavenly).  But the cupcakes needed the snowmen because I made them and they are badass.

Jodi and I were in the very first Student Managed Fund at Villanova and we went back on Friday to watch the student presentations.  It was great to see where the students have taken our legacy.  Honestly, I didn't understand a word anyone said.  I guess that makes me the Paula of the panel.  FYI, I love Paula. I have both of her albums on my iPod.  Anyway, the best part was watching this woman grill the crap out of these kids.  You knew it was a difficult question for 2 reasons: (1) I needed Google to understand what she asked and (2) all the students had to look at each other to figure out who'd be the sacrificial lamb to answer.

Then we met some friends for dinner at an Asian restaurant called Umami in Lionville.   It is really good. And I'm Jewish and know good Chinese food.  But I also love sushi.  I bought a lot of sushi so I can share with our friend, Becky.  She doesn't eat it.  But she never had oysters until going out to eat with us... so I admire her adventurous nature.  And I got to eat a lot of sushi.  We had a lot of fun, but we always have fun going out to eat with Becky and Linda.

Saturday was pretty sweet too.  I convinced Jodi to eat dinner at Chic Fil A.  MMMMMmmmmm.  I tell the story of George and Martha ChickFilA, but Jodi says I'm making it up.  Apparently, they did not escape persecution from Kentucky.  Who knew?!  Anyway... we came home and I helped Jodi decorate our Christmas tree.  I am not a big Christmas tree decorating fan.  Why?  Because I'm Jewish!  As Lady Gaga would say, "Because I was born this way!"  But I love my wife, so we did it together.  That's the point of being married. If we can't respect and celebrate our differences, and spend quality time together, we shouldn't have gotten married.  So I helped.

Even worse, we listened to Christmas music.  Good gracious... with the exception of Bruce Springsteen and the Rat Pack... I'd rather listen to country.

And that brings us to today. I went to Church with Jodi.  I hate going to Church.  OK, I don't hate anything, but you know what I mean.  First, I don't like making peace with other people.  (Jodi:  Randy means the sign of peace, shaking hands and saying, "peace be with you."  He calls it "making peace".)  Now, this is the strangest thing.  I am a nice person.  I am a friendly person.  But something is just weird about this.  I genuinely wish for people to embrace the differences in everyone's cultures and lives and accept differences and stuff.  But I don't feel like shaking a bunch of strangers' hands and all.  I need a psychiatrist to work out this pet peeve of mine.  The other thing I don't like about Church... Jodi won't talk to me.  She tells me to use my "indoor voice" and won't acknowledge any of my cute observations.  So where does that leave me?  I'm just a Jewish guy in Catholic mass. Weird.

Jodi promised me a Dunkin Donuts coffee, so for that, I'd give out Communion.  Actually, today's thought was, "do I have to be Catholic to give out Communion?"  I'm sure the answer is yes, but maybe if I could do something interactive... that might be fun.  Can I be the guy to collect all of the donations?  I'm Jewish, I'm stereotypically good with money!  That should count for something, right?  Clearly, I can't listen to Confession.  Or can I?

But, we came home and Jodi and I watched the Eagles. And they won.  See, what an awesome weekend, right?!  Then, as the game got boring, I decided to clean the family room.  I did an awesome job.  I even got Jodi to take before and after pictures.


Here's our next goal... a clean house by Christmas day. See, Jodi invited her parents to our house. We might change the title of this blog to 2 people, 4 cats, some in-laws and their pets.  Eh, maybe not.  But Jodi and I cooked dinner together.  So, here we are... its Sunday evening... and we didn't do anything too exciting, but we didn't do anything too exciting together.

And everyone needs to see Alice Cooper in concert.

If Jodi doesn't post pictures with this... please complain.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed my way through this. Jodi, you need to start making films. Randy, the little snow dudes were adorable, and yes, you did do a great job on the family room. I enjoyed being a party to the sushi-fest even if I was eating chicken. You guys renew my faith in marriage. L.
