Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do do that voodoo that you do so well

As a part of cleaning the house, we're going through all our stuff and trying to pare down.  Randy has been going through his strange collection of monkeys and voodoo statues that he keeps in his room (the den).  Hence the "gift" to Nikki last week.

Now you might ask, how many life-like monkeys and voodoo statues could one man need?  From looking at the den, the answer is many.  When Nikki left, Randy also tried to send her off with this one:

Nikki politely declined, but offered to take him next time she came if we were not able to sell him on ebay.  Then I got to thinking.  He looks an awful lot like a special love in my life.

Do you see it?

They could be twins, right?  Maybe if my mixer was some type of alien-looking skeleton.  Now I kind of like the little guy and feel bad about knocking on his head to see what he is made out of (some kind of hollow resin?)  Randy thinks he is a Haitian voodoo statue and he is meant to guard your door.  I offered to put him in the closet by the front door so he can protect the house, but Randy insists that he would then be protecting the closet door and not the actual front door.  I wonder where he gets his information.  I did do some brief online research, and while I haven't really figured out what he is or what he is supposed to do, I don't think he is as scary as I originally thought.  I figure if he is representing anything, if we think positively towards him, he will do the same towards us.  Karma.  And if he doesn't represent anything, it's a moot point and he's kind of fun like this one that I found on Design Sponge:


See his (probably not plastic) brother over there in the corner?  Kind of cute now, right?  He's in the closet downstairs for now (with the door cracked so he can see) facing the front door, but I'm hoping to find a better place at some point.  

So anyone have any information on this little guy or have any statues that look like a kitchenaid mixer?  Taking any large hauls to good will?  Tis the season!

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