Sunday, April 29, 2012

Calm in the Storm

So a funny thing happened the other night...  Randy and I finished up our nightly routine of feeding the cats enough so they don't wake us up at 4am, giving Camille her medicine, and turning off all the lights.  We headed upstairs to go to bed, turned on the light and saw this:

We're not sure how they all got up the steps so fast!  All four cats were on the bed, and no one was biting, fussing, hissing, stalking, or otherwise startin' somethin'.  They all like our bed, but we've never had all FOUR at the same time without waking up to a blood curdling, inhuman screech, Camille under the bed and the three boys running in opposite directions with Randy in PJs in hot pursuit.

Please don't mind the unmade bed.  I don't really have an excuse other than it's hard to make a bed with a cat on it, which is usually the case 24 hours a day.

From top to bottom, it's Rocky, Apollo, Keller, and Camille.  See Camille playing to the camera?  

It was such a rarity, I was snapping pictures like I was trying to do some sort of stop action animation.

The only time we have ever gotten all four of them close enough together to take a pictures, they were eating.

Randy and I didn't want to move them or spook Apollo, so we very slowly and gingerly tried to get under the covers in between and around cats.  It was like sleeping twister.  Normally we would move the cats to other areas of the bed, but it was like if peace broke out in the middle east.  You don't want to screw that up!

With all the things we're juggling right now between work, weddings, scheduling conflicts and family stuff, it was a nice reminder to sit still and relax.  From our four furry little roommates, Randy, and me, we hope your oasis of calm finds you in the busyness of day to day life.

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