Monday, August 13, 2012

It's the Small Things

Randy and I were watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics last night.  Did you all watch them?  I thought they were awesome.  Best opening and closing Olympic ceremonies I think I have ever seen.  I even liked the reunion of the Spice Girls.  I heard there was a lot more than what I saw...  the Who played?  George Michael played more than one song??  What the heck, NBC?  

Well, a funny thing happened as we lazily lounged after a day of hard labor on our family room renovation.  I started to sing.  That in and of itself is pretty funny, because I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but the funny part is that when I sang, Keller climbed up on my collar bone and vigorously head-butted me.  Ouch!  He rubbed his face against my face, he wiped his little wet kitty nose all over my face.  He licked my nose.  He buried my mouth in his cheek.  

I'm not sure if he liked my singing or was trying to shut me up, but I couldn't help it, I kept singing.  Then Eric Idle came out and sang Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, and I whistled too, through his fur.  I got cat hair in my mouth, but I didn't care.  I mean how often do you get to sing along with Eric Idle at the Olympics?  Keller starting crying a frustrated little squeal.  Once again, I'm not sure if he thought I was calling him and he was thinking, "but I'm right HERE!" or if he was frustrated that I wouldn't shut up.  

And when the song ended, Keller did the cutest thing I have ever seen him do.  Completely tuckered out, he put his little cheek up against my cheek and fell asleep.  Out.  Cold.

Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics.  I couldn't move to get my camera and Randy was asleep too.  All I could do was reach for my first generation horrible-picture-taking phone and snap a couple hoping to get some with Keller and me actually in them.

Then I started to pretend to be asleep too, because I thought it looked kind of weird with my eyes open behind Keller's furry little head.  Like one of those pictures where you're looking for something creepy in a sunny, ordinary room, only to see a freaky face staring back out at you from behind a pillow.  But less freaky and less hidden.

I couldn't move and wake him up.  It was like holding a sleeping baby.  So adorable.

Anyone else have any sweet little moments lately?  Have any feline music critics?  Didja love the Spice Girls reunion as much as I did?  Who else squealed in delight when they saw all those Mary Poppinses come down from the sky during the opening ceremonies?  C'mon, you know you did.

P.S.  All the songs from the closing ceremonies should be on iTunes soon, uncut.

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