Saturday, August 11, 2012

4th of July Cherry Hill Not Asbury Park

Randy:  For those keeping score at home... the title of this blog is "4th of July," and yet the date of this blog  post is August something. We're behind. I blame myself entirely. If I actually helped Jodi write these things, we'd probably be in the same season.

Now, the difficult thing... remember what the heck we did back then. I'll have to write underneath each of these pictures. If I am wrong or mis-remembering what happened... it doesn't really matter. Why? You weren't there. HA!

Jodi made two pies for the BBQ at my parents' house. I had asked her not to make me a birthday cake. Oh, did I mention that my birthday is July 6th?  You're all jerks!  None of you wished me a "Happy Birthday!"  Maybe some of you did.  I don't know who reads this.  But if you're from a foreign country... you didn't wish me a happy birthday.  And yes, that does upset me.  I let you into my life, and now, I realize that this is a one-sided relationship.  If you sent me a card, thank you.  If you got me a present, thank you very much.  If you sent me an email, you're a lazy bum.  Just kidding.  That's probably more than what I'd have done for you.  If you didn't wish me a happy birthday, please understand... unless you're Jodi, my parents, or my brother, I have no idea what half of the year you were born.

What was I talking about? Oh, the desserts that Jodi made.  If you haven't read in previous blogs (shame on you), I am training for a marathon.  So, I asked Jodi not to make me a cake because she goes to such great effort, and I don't really want cake.  Plus, its so freakin' hot, let's have something a little like Jodi's brother... cooler and fruitier!  HA!  I'm on a roll tonight.  I apologize for that comment.  That was unnecessarily wrong. 

Anyway, it's hot and cakes require ovens and I won't eat it.  Hence, no cake.  Phew.  She made pudding pies... vanilla pudding with strawberries, blueberries and nectarines, and a peanut butter pie with whipped cream (both of which I actually ate).  Yummy. 

Below is Denali the Dog. I call him Little Alice Cooper because of his black fur under the eyes... and Alice Cooper is awesome... and so is the dog.  His dogs traits include licking noses and pooping.

This is one of the most important parts of the day. That's me holding Z, my brother and one of my best buddies, Adam.

This guy is one of my favorite guys because he's just different.  Why is this the most important part of the day?

He and his girlfriend, Susan, had a son, Dominic.  That's a very nice Jewish name.  Anyway, they wanted (crap! I just remembered this part) to invite us to their son's first birthday.  It just occurred to me that I have no idea when it was... and I'm pretty sure we missed it.  Now, I feel terrible.  Dagnabit. Now, I'm gonna feel bad for the rest of this post.  Dang.

I have to apologize to them tomorrow.  And I need to buy Dominic something cool.

So, Susan sent me an email to ask for our address.  And her email came up with Adam's last name.  As soon as I saw it, I accused them of being married.  She denied it.

At this moment, Adam admitted he was secretly married.

That's my dad returning D's daughter (Z's sister). That makes Z D's son. Not sure how good you are with family trees.

I got a great idea to recreate the lift scene in Dirty Dancing to entertain D.  That might sound like a joke... I was actually doing that.  Dirty Dancing is a mutual favorite movie of mine and D's.

Z has never seen Dirty Dancing, and posed like a super hero, which he is very good at.

It was a good time had by all.

If you need me... I'm gonna go back to feeling shame for missing my buddy's kid's first birthday. 

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