Monday, January 16, 2012

In order to clean up...


... you sometimes have to make a mess.

So, I've been thinking all day about this post. Mostly, I've been thinking about that phrase. In order to clean up, you sometimes have to make a mess. There is a difference between a mess ("the cleaning up" mess) and a mess ("the reason we started this blog" mess).

Last week, Jodi and I were talking about this past weekend's projects. And I have to hand it to Jodi, she was right. She offered a few ideas for projects this weekend, and I thought that we could totally accomplish more.  She made me choose one, and I got to give the recommendation on where to start. We started in the guest bedroom closet. WHAT?! The guest bedroom closet? What a cop-out! And on most occasions, I'd agree with you. What you don't understand, because you're not here, is that our guest bedroom closet was the miscellaneous kitchen drawer of our house.

After 6 straight episodes of Glee, Jodi and I went into the guest room and looked at the closet. This is where we keep broken suitcases, spare pillows in case the entire 6th Battalion shows up, and boxes we haven't looked at since moving in.

We emptied the closet into the guest room. Step 1 was complete. And we did some cute things that will question my manhood like putting curtains on the guest bed so it looks like a honeymoon suite. Mostly, we just dumped stuff on the bed and floor.

Jodi:  Actually it was Randy's idea to hang the curtains this way.  We had these Ikea alvine spets curtains in the closet and we weren't really sure what to do with them.  It's kind of fun for the time being, but I can already see it is getting old - fast.  It's just something we tried and will probably change very soon.  Not everything works all the time.

Randy:  So what's the moral of this story?

I have no idea.

We are going to put a lot of Jodi's crafts stuff in the closet.  We are donating a lot of good stuff to charities. We are throwing out a lot of stuff that are just broken.  But we actually put things back into the closet that might actually belong in the closet.

Jodi:  We also found a ton of stuff from our wedding, which was fun to go through.  Remember here where we said my friend Megan was texting me pictures of engagement rings she liked?  Megan and Matt got engaged in Aruba!  So I can pass along some of the wedding planning stuff and recycle the old wedding magazines from 2006.

It doesn't look like House Beautiful, but it's a lot more organized.

Randy:  So what's the moral of this story?

We made more of a mess, but we actually cleaned stuff, and I did find my orange t-shirt.  I've been looking for this orange shirt for almost 6 years... which would make sense considering we didn't open the box with my orange shirt since we moved in.  What's special about this shirt?  Remember the bulletin board that used to be where the curtain and chandelier in the bathroom is now?

On the bulletin board among the vintage Penn State buttons and concert wrist bands, there used to be a picture of Jodi and I with our friends at their engagement party. For almost 6 years, I stared at myself in my favorite shirt while I was using the bathroom. For almost 6 years, I tinkled and asked myself, "where is my orange shirt?" I lost my train of thought. I don't know where I was going with all that. But I have my orange shirt! Hooray!

We also found Jodi's Palm Pilot from circa 2003.  We're not sure what to do with it.  Anyone want it?  It's free!

Did we finish the guest room? Not a chance, but we did finish watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7.  Now, our cats can't sleep on the guest bed.

Jodi:  Or so Randy thinks.

We'll fix that next.


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