Monday, July 2, 2012

Owen's First Birthday

Now for the last stop on the May 3 Weddings, a Baby Shower and a Birthday tour:  Owen's First Birthday!

Owen is the son of my friend and former WHTM colleague and roommate, Jill.  Jill, Tara and I used to live together when I worked at the TV station in Harrisburg (long before I met Randy).  Jill married Jason, and they had this smiley little boy on Jason's birthday last year.

These are my Harrisburg girls:  Amy, Jill and Tara.  You might remember this post from Amy's birthday this past January.  Amy, Jill, Tara, Crystal and I make up the Girl's Weekend group.  We get together every couple of months at someone's house and just relax and catch up and do fun girly stuff.  That is until Jill moved to Illinois this past fall :(

But she came back for Owen's birthday and we celebrated at her parents' house in Maryland :)

This is the cake I made for Owen:  Vanilla cake with lemon italian buttercream...  and dinosaurs.  Perfect for a boy's first birthday party.  The design of the two main dinosaurs were from the cute E-vite Jill sent out, the other ones I kind of made up as I went.  Now of course this was not the first cake I made for Owen.

This is Jilly's baby shower cake from last year.  This was before we knew if Owen was going to be an Owen or an Owa.  Yeah, I just made up that name.  No, I don't think Jill would have named Owen Owa if he had been a girl.

This is Owen's christening cake from last September.  Not my favorite cake as far as how it looks, but it was chocolate chip cookie dough cake with my favorite brown sugar buttercream and gosh darn it was good!

Jill was one of Sugar Whim's first supporters.  She rocks.  This is the wedding cake I made for her and Jason.

And this is her bridal shower cake.

I think Owen liked the cake, but I'm not sure.  He smiles that huge smile that lights up his whole face all the time.

Father and son blowing out the candles together.

Randy took these pictures of Owen eating his first piece of cake

A point of view shot:

I think he liked it!

It was a real honor to make Owen's first birthday cake as well as all the other big milestones we have celebrated together.  Jill, Jason and Owen, we miss you!  I hope I'll still be making cakes for you for years to come!

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