Monday, May 14, 2012

Bry the Fry Guy

OK, so I know it's been a while.  It's already May 14th and I don't think we've posted in May yet.  Shame on us.  Do you get crazy busy this time of year?  This month we have 3 weddings, a baby shower, and a 1st birthday party.  It's also a busy month for Sugar Whim in that I'm making the cake for the baby shower and the birthday party.  Thank goodness that's it.  It's crazy to try to work full time, be invited to all these weddings and make the cakes.  Not that I would complain if someone asked me to make their wedding cake.  I would LOVE to make your wedding cake.  It's just that the first wedding was in Chicago and Randy and I were in the second wedding.  More on that to come.

On to a completely unrelated topic.  Frying.  I have never fried anything in my life.  In fact, I never wanted to.  I have to admit that fryers scare me a little bit.  All that hot oil...  and that fried food smell is awesome on your clothes for hours and hours afterwards.  Bananas Foster scared me a little bit too, before I tried it.  So when I visited my brother and his girlfriend, Ashley, and Bryan was frying up some onion rings, I jumped in and helped so I could learn from the pro.

Bryan made a beer batter, then dips the onions in.  Next step is the seasoned panko bread crumbs.  Then I threw them in the fryer, a couple at a time.  Bryan does great work.  My mom hates onions, but she loves these.  She just picks off the yummy crunchy bits and gives the onion to Dad.

Then Bryan and I got bored.  His ribs weren't done yet.  There was still oil in the fryer, and it was still hot.  We started looking around for other things to fry...  and we found cookies!  We thought it would be weird to beer batter cookies, but apparently we thought it would be ok to batter them in flour and water.  Our tastes are so discerning.  

So you might say, "Jodi, aren't Oreos bad enough?  Do you really have to go and fry them?"  And to that I would say,  these aren't Oreos, they're WhoNu?s  They're like Oreos, but supposedly full of vitamins and stuff.  It's just what Bryan had in the pantry.  After you fry them, I'm pretty sure they have no nutritional value.  They were really yummy with a little powdered sugar that Ashley sprinkled on top.  Really yummy until they got cold.  Then they tasted like death.

We still had oil left, so then Ashley and I sliced up a potato and made french fries for Mom.  The WhoNu? crumbs floating in the oil made for some interesting, but good french fries.  They were a little sweet, but great with a tiny sprinkle of salt.  I overloaded the fryer and they all kind of stuck together, but they were still good.  I would recommend using more than an inch of oil and less fries.

The most important thing is that we had fun and we got to hang out together.  Unfortunately I had to go to 7pm mass smelling like a McDonald's, but I will live.  Provided we don't fry everything in the kitchen again.

Anyone take the plunge and learn a new cooking skill?  Anyone else go to church smelling like french fries?  C'mon, I know it's not just me.