Friday, January 25, 2013

Marathon Man


Ok... sorry it took so long to write about the marathon, but I was very busy. First, I was recovering. Then I was working too much. And most recently, I was playing with the cats. It's not very often I can get three of the cats to play together... especially since one of the three hates the other two.

My next apology is going to be how long this takes... so if you like stories... here it is. I call this story... Marathon Weekend.


I was starting to catch a cold prior to leaving for Orlando. I work with a bunch of jerks that come to work sick during one of the worst flu epidemics. What idiots! You know who you are (Not you, Megan... you're good in my book). But you other jerks! I was already anxious about completing this stupid race... now I'm worried about having the opportunity to at least run healthy.

Jodi and I took off to Orlando on a 6am flight. So, seeing as we live about an hour from the airport and we're still under the delusion that one should arrive 2 hours before the flight because the Taliban wants to check a bag or something, Jodi and I were awake about 30 minutes after we went to sleep. But luckily, there were no issues with the flight. There were quite a few marathoners on our flight of both genders and all age brackets. These people looked like they could finish a marathon. The flight was uneventful except for one part. Whoever you are, flight attendant on the trip to Orlando, you are awesome!

Jodi didn't want to sit next to me because the last time we went to Orlando, I was sick and when the trip was over, Jodi was sick. Luckily, we sat in a row with three seats and no one joined us. As it became clear there were no more people boarding the flight, Jodi moved to the aisle so she wouldn't have to breathe my air. As soon as she moved, the flight attendant screamed, "What are you doing?! That's my seat!" 

Immediately, Jodi slides back and apologizes. People in our area are staring. The stewardess laughs and says, "Just kidding. My seat is back here."

Awesome! You punked Jodi just for the heck of it.  Yes... it's funny. And yes, that does make me a bad husband.

By time we get the car and head towards the hotel... its about 9am. Why is the time important on Thursday? Because at 7pm, the Disney Marathon Expo will close. That's where I pick up my number, my bag of stuff, the gifts I purchased, and submit my waiver. Are you thinking time is a factor?! Stop foreshadowing and read!

We couldn't check into the hotel because it was too early. So we went to IHOP for breakfast. Very good idea by Jodi. FYI... our car SUCKED! It was a Suzuki POS. When Jodi told the people that she just wanted a car with nothing... man, they delivered! But I'm straying. Kudos to the breakfast people.

Across the street, I was tricked. The store read "Adult Disney T-shirts." I must go. And Jodi agreed. That should have been my first clue. Jodi would never  go into a porn shop. Not even a Disney porn shop (if there was one) that sold more provocative versions of "Lady & the Tramp" or "Sword in the Stone."

Yup... I was wrong... it was t-shirt shop in adult sizes. Nevermind. I'm dumb.

It's now 11am when we decide to go food shopping for the few days that we're here. Now, I can't argue about this. I need to stay hydrated during this heat wave in Orlando. Its in the 80's in January. Record heat for the time. We need to buy water, Gatorade, pre-race meals, breakfasts, etc.  This trip was the most attention I ever paid to my urine. It was!

We got to the hotel at 1:30pm. Now, Jodi wants a nap (which I could use also, but I won't tell her).
We wake up at 5pm. 
OK... let's go get my number!
Now, Jodi and her dad are trying to troubleshoot why we don't have internet in the room. C'mon, we're on vacation... who cares?! We'll fix it later! I dragged Jodi out at 5:30.

The ESPN resort was mobbed at 6pm. It was like a Penn State game in the parking lot. We parked a mile away on the grass and walked. It was 6:20pm when I got my number. Now, time to get the rest of my stuff. The expo was incredible. As you can see, they had a wall with all of runners' names. 

They had tons of great exhibits. There was only 1 problem. By the time we got there, it was closing.  Aw man, this expo looked like a lot of fun. We should have come earlier.


Jodi and I went to Hollywood Studios. It was a fun time. We met Wreck-It-Ralph and Vanillope. We met three women also competing the marathon, who warned me about the heat. It was hard to understand at the time. 


Jodi's mom is sick. So we invite Jodi's dad to the Magic Kingdom. If you want to see 2 peas in a pod... OH MAN! They are just dragging me along as they use their iPhones to track line times at rides. I might as well have worn a kid leash. The 3 best parts...

1.  "Randy, what do you want to do next?" 
"I want to take pictures with the characters."
"Yeah, we're not doing that." 
That's Jodi's dad taking pictures of the Little Mermaid Ride behind my head

2.  And the three of us got on the Haunted Mansion ride in the same cart. Three adults in the same car. Terribly uncomfortable, and I couldn't stop laughing at how weird this was.

3.  Finally, Jodi and her dad... very competitive people... ride the Buzz Lightyear shooting game together... competing to the death for the higher score... while I sat behind them shooting my laser at them.

At dinner, Jodi's dad said, "I can't wait until tomorrow when Randy proves me wrong." This dude never likes to be wrong... I really appreciated it.

Saturday night, my dad was down and my aunt was up from Miami. Yes, ha ha ha, a Jew living in Miami... you're so original. My mom was coming down the next morning. And my brother was in the area at his chick-friend's house... FYI... Lori is awesome. She's a former Miss Kentucky and is everything a Miss America contestant is... and she likes my brother. That might not have won her the crown, but she definitely deserves an award for tolerating that weirdo. 


I recommend that Jodi re-writes this entry from her own point of view. I could not have completed this race without her. In reality, I couldn't have done the year of training and the race without her. But she needs to explain what she did during the race.

From all the anxiety, I had slept about 3 hours per night all week. But that night, I slept about 1/2 hour. Really. My mind wouldn't shut off.

We were up at 2:30am. I put on the Runner's Glide in places that can't be described. I taped up my nipples. Yup. I got dressed. And by 3am, we were on the bus to go to the starting line. 

Disney does this right. It was like a party scene with DJ and lights and all the entertainment. But, its 3:30am... I have to wait until 5am to get into Corral H (the last corral for slow pokes)... and the race starts at 5:30am...  I don't start until 6:30am. I went to my corral early and just meditated. I did talk to people and make jokes, but my nerves were on edge.

Let's be honest... a year of training... a year of never doubting... it's go time.

I ran the best 5K, 10K, 8 miles, and 13.1 miles of my life. The shorter distances were not my fastest time because I have to negotiate thru all the people not to mention I had to pee in the bushes when I crossed the starting line.. but my energy levels were the highest ever. And yes, it was my best 8, 10 and 13.1 mile times ever.

Then the sun came up. And so did the temperatures. At 6:30am, it was in the mid 60's. By 9am, it was in the 80's... and it was hot from above and from the pavement.

I had been drinking Powerade at every water station... like recommended by doctors for hydration in this heat.

At the 1/2 marathon point, people are cramping. People are throwing up on the side of the road. The medical tents are like MASH units. Strangely, for a guy that doesn't traditionally do well in the heat, I feel ok. Now, I am drinking 2 cups of Powerade at each station.

Disney does this so right. They had characters all over the place for you to take your picture. Now, if I'd run this in 3 hours, I'd stop to take my picture... but I am on a mission.

I saw Chip N Dale. Uh Oh. My favorite characters. As I ran by, I screamed, "Don't go anywhere! I have to finish this! But then I want my picture!"

By the 3/4 marathon point, running is more like shuffling. I'm mostly walking. I'm up to 3 cups of Powerade at each station. It's just HOT. And more people are sick and drained... and I'm still chugging along.

Finally, I get out of Hollywood Studios. It is mile 24. You've seen pictures from our trip to Disney over the summer. There was a night that Jodi and I ran from Hollywood Studios to the Beach Club for dinner. We ran because the boats were closed due to thunderstorm. It occurs to me...

"I've done this before. All the talk of 'I can finish this race' is over."

And I start to choke up. It is emotional. But it occurs to me... I didn't finish this yet. But I know that I will and there is no bus coming to pick me up. And I enter EPCOT, the last park and finish of the race. At the entrance, finally, I see my mom, dad and aunt. 

Man, EPCOT is big. And around the world, I went... finally making the right towards the big golf ball and the exit.

I see the finish... strange that I don't have the tears now. I actually never did break down like my coworker described. But across the line was the chick with my medal. How sweet it is!

6 hours, 33 minutes and 48 seconds.

I am a marathoner.

Jodi met me at the finish line. "You should see Facebook. It has exploded with support."

I don't have a Facebook account, but she read me some of the comments.

Her dad comes up to me and says, "Ok, let me have it."

"Sir, I just want you to know... the only thing more powerful than your brain is my heart. And next time we argue about what I'm capable of, f*** it... you're right." And we shook hands.

Will I do it again? Probably.

There is a lot more... I have some great stories about the race that I want to tell you. The funny stuff... not the internalization of the run.

But, I have a lot of people to thank for their support. And this is genuine. I appreciate all that attention, but I have to thank some folks.

Jodi's dad - for getting me to find my physical limits and crushing them
Jodi - for constantly encouraging my success and being everywhere that day that I didn't know I needed

Mike G - for watching from afar
Mike B - for betting on success
Katie and Joe - for telling me all the right things to do (even the gross stuff)
Karyn - for being the virtual Mickey
Bob - for describing this experience EXACTLY how it would be
Megan - for not thinking my reason for running a marathon was dumb
Adidas - for providing the best gear
Duff McKagan - my inner rock star who described self-confidence as "knowing that you can run a marathon without actually having done it." That is why your autographed picture hangs on our wall.

To be continued in 3 segments:
1. Jodi's Marathon
2. The funny parts of the marathon race
3. Next Year - Inspiring Others


  1. This is great. Loved reading it. Congrats. Bring on the next three segments. - Trev

  2. On a separate note...medals from this race are on ebay for 91 bucks.

  3. Yea Randy!!!! You made it and didn't even look worn out. What a great achievement!!! What a great son-in-law.
